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The Israeli–Palestinian Conflict - Demanding Civil and Political Rights

Nutzer gelöscht
Nutzer gelöschtDienstag, 17.12.2019

Interesting essay in the London Review of Books on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict that highlights the advantages of (sth that could be called) a civil rights movement over a purely political solution.

„And the only way of addressing [the situation of Palestinians] is to demand civil and political rights on an equal basis with the rest of the population under Israel’s jurisdiction. Such a demand would put the ball in Israel’s court: either it vacates the Palestinian territories it occupies, or it confers the same rights on its inhabitants that Israeli citizens enjoy.“
The essay does not propose a single- or two-state solution, it rather suggests that 
„The primary aim of a campaign for equal rights for Palestinians is not the creation of a single state in Israel-Palestine: that already exists.“
The Israeli–Palestinian Conflict - Demanding Civil and Political Rights

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